Certified Translations

No matter whether a private, commercial, notarial or an official document, if you are in Germany or abroad and need a certified (also called sworn) translation from/into one of the below mentioned languages of my competence (Portuguese, German and English), here you are at the right place, once I'm an authorized translator for those combinations. Furthermore, according to the Higher Regional Court of Coblenz, I'm also authorized to certify translations of hybrid documents. This means, if a document was written in two different languages and one of those languages is namely English, I am entitled to translate it into German. Please be aware that I am not allowed to certify translations from English into Portuguese or viceversa. Your files, documents and information will be always handled confidentially. The translated documents can be sent per mail or picked-up personally.
Key Words: Power of Attorney, Commercial Contracts and Correspondence, Marriage Contracts, Birth Certificates, High School & College Certificates, Driving Licenses, CVs, Insurance Documents.
Prices based on JVEG (German Law on Payment and Compensation by Judiciary Authorities) and subject to 19% VAT in most cases, where a minimum or fixed amount for the certified translation job might be applied. Depending on each situation, you'll might need a court apostille, involving additional costs. Please contact me for a quote, availability query and further details.
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